- Fiction
- Afrikaans poetry
Groot Verseboek Deel 2
André Brink
Date Released:
Price (incl. VAT):
Soft cover, 492pp
About this book:
Groot Verseboek represents an adventure of uncommon scope and ambition: the best and most representative poems produced in a language since its first hesitant, often stumbling, but always exuberant efforts just over a century ago, until the most up-to-date modern and postmodern verse written during the first decade of the 21st century. In a total of 1424 pages the work of some 216 poets is offered to the reader, from the First Language Movement in the late 19th century - chauvinistic and patriotic utterances, religious fervour, the intense involvement with nature, the upheavals of the Anglo-Boer War the first protestations of love in an environment of primness and prejudice - to the increasingly frank explorations of the individual consciousness leading to an early peak of creativity in the 1930s and 1940s, and wanderings through the dark night of the soul or the fierce and feverish light of private passions. The searing honesty in the agonies and ecstasies of the post-war decades brings encounters with Peter Blum (born in Trieste but soon an exponent of the most frank and fearless poetry written in Afrikaans in the years following the War), with the guitar music of Adam Small and the wild imaginings of Breyten Breytenbach, alongside of a formidable phalanx of women, Elisabeth Eybers and Ina Rousseau and Ingrid Jonker (who became the Sylvia Plath of Afrikaans), followed by Wilma Stockenström and Antjie Krog, by Petra Müller and Marlene van Niekerk and Trienke Laurie.
The landscape of Afrikaans poetry, originally marked only by whites, soon expands to encompass brown and black voices as well. They overwhelm the reader with nostalgia or prophetic inspiration, with sonnets and haikus and odes and crosswords and lullabies and hardboiled realism, with the erotic and the sardonic, with blasphemy and sly or iconoclastic humour, with explorations of dreams and memories, hopes and terrors, with landscapes of fear or serenity or guilt or innocence, intimations of mortality and immortality, of the most fleeting and the most lasting or pervasive, with rage and revolt, with resignation or quietly burning faith, preoccupations with Europe and the Far East and the Americas and, always, always, with Africa, its crudeness and relentlessness, its generosity and magnanimity and cruelty and terrors, its primordial past and imagined future, its magic and its unforgiving actuality its patterns and rhythms and surprises. There are evocations of purity and of sexual excess, of forgiveness or blame, of femininity and masculinity, of childhood and the unforgiving approaches of old age and death.
Groot Verseboek is an invitation to a voyage from the known to the unknown, from beginnings and origins to as-yet unpredictable endings; a journey of recreation and peace and tranquil musing, and of excitement and discovery, of harrowing truths and reassuring reveries, an exploration of heaven and earth and the waters under the earth, of heaven and hell, of the here-and-now and the ever-unreachable. It celebrates a language that originated in the mouths of the slaves and the dispossessed and the downtrodden in the old Cape Colony and which now is equipped - through its poetry as through everything else - to explore whatever is known and not yet known in the world, in the heart, or in the mind.
Ek en jy bestaan nie
Danie Marais
Loit Sōls
Mens dier ding
Alfred Schaffer, Zandra Bezuidenhout
Gesant van die mispels
Marlene van Niekerk
Nou in infrarooi
Tom Dreyer
Asof geen berge ooit hier gewoon het nie
Pieter Odendaal
Jolyn Phillips
Breyten Breytenbach, Charl-Pierre Naudé
Die singende hand
Breyten Breytenbach
Vers & vrou
Karen de Wet
Antjie Krog
om my kastele in Spanje te sloop
Jaco Barnard-Naudé
Vers en vlam
Jeanette Ferreira
Ronelda Kamfer
Alles het niet kom wôd
Nathan Trantraal
Pieter Odendaal
'n Vry vrou
Antjie Krog, Karen de Wet
Bibi Slippers
In die stille agterkamer
Marlene van Niekerk
Uit die kroes
Lynthia Julius
Versamelde poësie
D.J. Opperman
Die meeste sterre is lankal dood
Johann de Lange
Pienk ceramic-hondjies
Ryan Pedro
Ena Jansen, Elisabeth Eybers
Adam Small
Breyten Breytenbach
Jan, Piet, Koos en Jakob
Loftus Marais
Breyten Breytenbach
op weg na kû
Breyten Breytenbach
Lynthia Julius
Die maan is swart
Adam Small, Ronelda Kamfer
Liefde en verset
André le Roux
Antjie Krog
Die lewe is 'n asem lank
Frieda van den Heever, Frieda van den Heever
Bibi Slippers
Ingrid Jonker: Versamelde gedigte
Ingrid Jonker
Ashwin Arendse
die na-dood
Breyten Breytenbach
Derde gety
Zandra Bezuidenhout
Marlene van Niekerk
Môre en gistraand en die einde van die maand
Philip De Vos
Nootvat. Kwashaal. Stapel
Bernard Odendaal
Jolyn Phillips
Stil punt van die aarde
Johann de Lange
Die stomme aarde: 'n keur
Wilma Stockenström
Vyf-en-veertig skemeraandsange
Breyten Breytenbach
Nathan Trantraal
Al die lieflike dade
Charl-Pierre Naudé
’n Hunkering se grein
Johann de Lange
Ronelda Kamfer