- Lux Verbi
- Fiction
Weskus-omnibus 1
Helena Hugo
Epub ISBN:
Lux Verbi
Date Released:
April 2023
Price (incl. VAT):
R 310.00
Soft cover, 568pp
About this book:
Two popular West Coast novels in one. In Haar naam is Ragel we meet Ragel, whose life is meaningless after the death of her toddler son. She meets another mother who cannot stop grieving. Together they learn to find meaning in suffering, and discover the solace to be found in God. In Marta, 17-year-old Marta promises her dying father that she’ll look after her mother. As the years pass, she falls into a numbing routine of mindless faith and good works. Will she be able to turn her life around?

Die skuiling
Helena Hugo

Die koning se wingerd
F.A. Venter

Weskus-omnibus 2
Helena Hugo

Ter wille van die vaders (Zechut Avot)
Marzanne Leroux-Van der Boon

Onthou my
Helena Hugo

Rut en Boas - ’n liefdesverhaal
Barend Vos

Anzil Kulsen

Israel-reeks 9: Hasukkah shel David
Marzanne Leroux-Van der Boon

'n Droomhuis vir Kristie
Elaine Marais

Israel-reeks 1: Granate bloei in Jerusalem
Marzanne Leroux-Van der Boon

Die lewe wat ek jou gegee het
Helena Hugo

Barend Vos

Vreugde vir Larissa
Elsa Winckler

Israel-reeks: Omnibus 2
Marzanne Leroux-Van der Boon

Blomme vir Berdine
Helena Hugo

Israel-reeks 11: Hooglied
Marzanne Leroux-Van der Boon

Helena Hugo

Helena Hugo

'n Brief vir Reina
Elsa Winckler

Die ompad terug
Helena Hugo

Haar naam is Ragel
Helena Hugo