Manage Your Money, Live Your Dream - How Taking Control can Change your Life

Sunél Veldtman





Date Released:

February 2011

Price (incl. VAT):

R 205.00


Soft cover, 192pp

About this book:

Sunél Veldtman had the degrees and certificates. She was an investment advisor with an Honours degree in Economics. Yet, in her household, she didn't manage her own money...

Click here for an interview with Sunél Veldtman.

If someone like Sunél had difficulty taking charge of her money, imagine how hard it is for other women, brought up to believe that nice girls don't talk about money.

It took a personal crisis before Sunél took her financial future in hand, clarified her values and made sensible changes. In this book she shows us how we can do the same.

Sunél shows ordinary women how to start out on a journey of self-fulfillment. Her practical guide is written for normal, “finance-illiterate” women. Overcome your fear, empower yourself with knowledge and make wise and informed choices that suit your personality and build on your values.

In this book, Sunél shows not only how to save, but also how to invest, in simple, clear languages with lots of examples. Her message is: Know who you are and what makes you happy. Then go for it, using the best information available.